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Метод Научного Тыка

Laura Pergolizzi


Heart-Shaped Scar
0 0 0
Год: 2001

1. Perfect
2. Love Somebody
3. Heart Shaped Scar
4. Comin' Home
5. Long Time
6. Kiss It All Goodby
7. Shut You Out
8. Follow-me Down
9. Insane
10. When I'm Not With You
11. Greenbriar

Suburban Sprawl & Alcohol
0 0 0
Год: 2004

1. Wasted
2. The Darkside
3. All I Have
4. Get Over Yourself
5. Suburban Sprawl & Alcohol
6. Little Death
7. Change of Scenery
8. Nowhere
9. Never Was
10. Heartless
11. Cadillac Life

Forever for Now
0 0 0
Год: 2014

1. Into the Wild (Live)
2. Levitator (Live)
3. Tokyo Sunrise (Live)
4. Wasted Love (Live)
5. Someday (Live)
6. Fighting with Myself (Live)
7. It's Over (Live)
8. Halo (Live)
9. Forever for Now (Live)

Lost on You
0 0 0
Год: 2016

1. Muddy Waters
2. No Witness
3. Lost On You
4. When We're High
5. Switchblade
6. Up Against Me
7. Suspicion
8. Other People
9. Tightrope
10. Into The Wild
11. Strange

Heart to Mouth
0 0 0
Год: 2018

1. Dreamcatcher
2. When I'm Over You
3. One Night In The Sun
4. Girls Go Wild
5. Recovery
6. The Power
7. Dreamer
8. House On Fire
9. Hey Nice To Know Ya
10. Die For Your Love
11. Shaken

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